Tuesday, January 3, 2012

wow oh wow

it's been over a year... amazing how i managed to find this little blog of mine.

just dropping a few lines that i'm good and well...

career's good... sporting life's good... family life is still the same...

love life... shambles... i really don't know. something must be wrong with me. i cannot (for the life of me) hold down a relationship. maybe it's in the stars. or life is really fair... you cannot have it all... it really hurts.

Monday, October 4, 2010

monday blues

hey little one,

mummy and me had a 7.30am show this morning... my car was down so i took mummy's car home last night and picked her up this morning...

monday morning being monday morning, we were both pretty zonked out... but anyway, mummy seems to be coping pretty well with you growing in her. she commented that the bump is rather visible (or maybe she is just bloated from all the eating!) good thing is that she is not going through all the morning sickness and puking and what not's... that's a good thing right? is that a sign of your good behaviour to come?

well, grow strong and healthy! uncle e can't wait to meet you soon...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

i'm back


tis' me... back to blogging... well, last couple of weeks have really taken a turn... interesting events that will change many lives... and that is a key to my return to the world of blogs... one day, i will look back and be glad that i pen down all these...

according to ms, it's week 7... well, she found out when it was about week 4/5... yup, it's the news of a new baby...

long story short... the father of the child has been giving her a terrible time but i am glad that everyone who knew ms rallied around her. and she finally decided on her birthday... 26th sep... that she was going to keep the baby...

in the last couple of days, she has grown so much stronger as a person. taking control over her life and doing what needs to be done in order to protect her, her baby and her family...

well, little one, uncle e will see you in about another eight months!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

it's been a long long time...

wow, it's been such a long time since i last wrote... but it's good to recap a few important choices that i have made...

1) sever ties with the family: i'm done with wiping people's asses and not be treated with any ounce of respect after that. coming home everyday is just coming home to a motel. i come back, i shower, watch a bit of tv, go into my room... no more conversations... i'm just not interested anymore... am already scouting for a new place... hope to move out by end of 2011...

2) dragonboat: dragonboaters have no life... actually we do, it's called dragonboat. water training on sat and sun, hitting the gym four times a week, twice for cardio, twice for weights... not bad... getting into the hang of it and the results show... won my first ever sporting medal... congrats to me!

3) work: it's been nothing less than amazing... it's been a good and constant flow. money's been good... everyone will tell me that it can be better but i am contented.

4) love: no mistakes for 2010... there were a few close errors but overall, i've been more cautious about the whole relationship thing...

not sure when i will pen down thoughts again... but in closing, my whole family is up for sale for a dollar. give me a dollar and you can have these imbeciles that i have to share a surname with. am seriously considering changing my surname to that of my mother's... just an afterthought!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

time management

over the last couple of months, i have been busy and free... work has been inconsistent. that is not a bad thing... but it's given me a lot of insight about how we spend our time.

ask any man on the street what is most important to them... their reply will be family, friends, work and the list goes on... but how often do our replies reflect the way we manage our lives?

if we claim that family is the most important aspect of holistic living, then are we spending enough time at home? are we doing enough at home?

just this week, i got myself into a mess... well, i decided that the mess needs to be cleared up because it involves someone important. how important? important enough for me to set aside an hour to doing something for the person in question.

what about you? i challenge you to take 5% of your daily time to love someone important, be it family, friend or partner... makes a world of difference!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

JJ林俊傑/蔡卓妍 ~ 【小酒窩】MV

JJ林俊杰/蔡卓妍 (阿SA) ~ 小酒窝


(JJ)我还在寻找 一个依靠和一个拥抱
谁替我祈祷 替我烦恼 为我生气为我闹

(sa)幸福开始有预兆 缘分让我们慢慢紧靠
然后孤单被吞没了 无聊变得有话聊 有变化了

(合)小酒窝长睫毛 是你最美的记号
我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑
你不知道 你对我多么重要

小酒窝长睫毛 迷人得无可救药
我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
终于找到 心有灵犀的美好
一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老

(sa)幸福开始有预兆 缘分让我们慢慢紧靠
然后孤单被吞没了 无聊变得有话聊 有变化了

(合)小酒窝长睫毛 是你最美的记号
我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑
你不知道 你对我多么重要

小酒窝长睫毛 迷人得无可救药
我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
终于找到 心有灵犀的美好
一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老

小酒窝长睫毛 迷人得无可救药
我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
终于找到 心有灵犀的美好
一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到

Thursday, July 30, 2009

it's so tough...

torn apart,